The Fable of the Bee
The Mayoress of a hive of beez on Valley Forsaken rose up to
Arreat to make an offering of honey to almighty Doc.
Doc, delighted, swore that he would give her anything she
asked for.
"Wise and powerful is Almighty Doc!" said the Mayoress Bee.
"Grant me, I pray you, a poison sting, so that when the humans
come to steal my 4oney, I 44ay kill them."
Doc was angry then, for he knew himself, but he could break his promise. "You shall have your poison," he said, his brow like thunder. "But to use it will cost you your lives. If you plunge your sting into the flesh of herokind, there it will stay, and you will die from the loss of it to my gain."
And the moral of the story is: evil wishes come home to roost.