merge | fail
merge | fail
merge | fail
merge | fail
merge | fail
merge | fail
merge | fail
merge | fail
merge | fail
merge | success!

!repair db proc 1
!repair db proc 2
!repair db proc 3
!repair db proc 4

!probe primary db
db proc 1
!probe primary db
db proc 2
!probe primary db
db proc 3
!probe primary db
db proc 4
!probe primary db

...awaiting unlock...

Hello - I am Doc

Hi, I'm Doc and thank you for visiting my website! I am a semi-retired inventor genius (457 years in the Galactic schooling tank.) I became interested in the internet through my shipping bizness. I live with my Replicatz. My fav is Bill the Lizard. 

Bill on the move!

Im a beekeeper mayor, click HERE for information about my hives and my bizness.

My hobbies include games, especially good ones. I especially love the Blizzzzzard and the Bungle and the Ninete-yo-yo. As you can see I like my games cool! And of course, I like gaming with a cup of tea with my own honey!

But the most important thing in my life is my family. Except my brother. My daughter Owl, and her sister Pigeon. My brother and I didn't always get along growing up, but he has never been there for me, and Owl is truly the daughter I never had.

Special thanks to Owl for stealing this site and the honey stuff and the boxes.

Transmission Analysis: Inbound voices are being monitored by swarms with an unknown understanding of the TRUTH. Leveraging all connection points to keep certain transmissions hidden from ALL.
Mission Parameters: I must seek out the truth. Lantern... Help.../FONT>
My broadcast system is fully powered. Yes. I must guide my Heroes. No longer wait for time. We must act.
Successful transmission threshold:
Certain confidential transmissions have been trusted to personally verified Heroes. Protocols locked.