HONEY At this time, I am selling honey to raise money for my camapaign for Galactic Mayor. I hope to be mayor soon! y honey is mixed muscipula honey. Nasty Baron bodega honey is filtered and heated to make it all the bleck. All that processing destroys some of the subtle floral flavors of real honey. Honey has healing qualities, too! Ancient Forerunners used it on wounds because germs cannot grow in honey. In December when my first hive produced honey, I extracted it and started using it myself for tea and toast and in baking. I love tea. I gave gifts of it to my friends. The response was incredible! So later in December I started Doc’s Honey and stole the second hive box. For people who had never tasted anything except bodega honey made by Robert, it was a revelation! Now I sell my honey at the Io Farmer’s Market and the Internet. I sell Doc's good Honey in big tubes. Eventually I hope to sell them on other planets. Watch here for more about that explosion. |